The Future of RPD Science—Now
Simulating Human Performance
ATOR Labs’ Automated Breathing and Metabolic Simulator (ABMS) simulates human respiration and approximates metabolism across a range of work rates. ABMS testing capabilities enable prototype development and evaluation for new and continued production of quality respiratory protective devices.
The ABMS replicates human respiration and metabolism by controlling oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, ventilation rates, respiratory frequencies, and monitoring inhalation / exhalation pressures, oxygen percentage, carbon dioxide percentage, and wet/dry bulb temperatures on a breath-by-breath basis. By default, these parameters will sync with requirements of global standards. The end-user may also adjust test parameters for custom applications, making the ABMS an ideal platform for research.
ATOR Labs’ ABMS is the premiere foundation for global RPD standards testing, both current and future. The platform meets the newest ISO 16900 series standards, launching your testing capabilities into the future.